October 07, 2012

Money and Work - #1

Oct. 7, 2012 Here is how things work. People need water, food, clothing, and shelter in order to survive. To have these necessities, you must buy them. To buy them you need money. This means that your ability to survive depends on your access to money. Therefore, those who have control of the money supply must allow just enough money to flow to keep the general population under control. Cut the money supply too much and revolt is likely. Be too generous and the controllers will lose money – and there is never enough money as far as they are concerned. Setting money aside for just a moment, let’s bring up a subject that should be familiar to all in the U.S. – democracy. Democracy is based on the concept of freedom. But we are not really free. We have the illusion of freedom, but it amounts to the freedom to chase after jobs, be wage slaves, stay in our competitive ruts, chase after fame, fortune, or romance, and worry about money. Can democracy ever work in this kind of framework? Not likely. We are not free until our money is free. Until that time arrives, we have no choice but to struggle to survive on whatever those “up top” are willing to give.