May 05, 2014

Thought for Monday, 5/5/2014

I used to wonder why the German people didn't do something about Hitler. I often asked myself, "How could they have gone along with what he was doing? Couldn't they see what he was doing?" Now I know. They didn't know what was going on. They didn't get any truthful news or perspectives on what was happening. They were fed a steady diet of propaganda and slanted media stories written to make things look good. Until lately, I wondered why the American people hadn't done anything about the corruption in Washington DC and the loss of freedom. How could they have let go of our democracy? Now I know. They don't know what is going on. CNN and the networks don't present any news containing the truth of what is really happening. People are fed a steady diet of propaganda and slanted stories written to keep the old illusion of American righteousness alive.